Life Lessons  

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

I'm beginning to finish up my QVC/CK/LB All About Me album and there is a part about life lessons learned. Thought I'd share some of mine:

*Never underestimate yourself
*Accept your personal power
*Don't complain unless you are willing to change, *Always consider the source when dealing with unpleasant or ignorant people
*Visualization is key to achieving the impossible
*Achieving balance is a noble goal, working toward balance is part of the lessons taught by Goddess
*Its not how fast you get to your destination, its about the quality of your journey down the path.

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Altered Letters- IRW  

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

I altered letters for my I Remember When table for the open house/crops. I'm really excited about it. They look pretty good. I really like altering objects. Right now, I'm working on photo blocks for Bens mom.

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Decoupaged Boxes  

Sunday, April 16, 2006

These are a few little collaged boxes I made to sell at the local Pagan Pride Day in September. They will be little mini altar boxes with each of the four elements inside. I'm not usually good at the collaged look, but these came out okay, I think.

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A Different Direction  

Friday, April 14, 2006

It seems as though my life has gone in some different directions lately. I have SO much on my plate, it seems like things are sifting through the cracks.

I'm a live-in girlfriend.
I'm an advertising assistant.
I'm a high priestess.
I'm a scrapbooker.
I'm an I Remember When instructor.
I'm a moderator for SCSW.
I'm a gamer.
I'm a daughter, a granddaughter and a sister.

It's becoming increasingly difficult to balance it all. I want to do EVERYTHING. And I want to do it all at the same time. And I want to excel at everything.

I think when I move...

I'll be a live in girlfriend.
I'll be an advertising or research assistant.
I'll be a crafter.
I'll be a solitary for awhile. (Like any other coven could compare to my current coven family.)

And I think I'm going to take this blog in a different direction. Stay tuned.

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