Thursday, October 20, 2005

Today, one of the agency reps I work with asked me about my personal definition of success. It was something nice to think about and broke up the monotony of the day.

Here's what I emailed him back:

For me, being successful is being happy. If I'm happy and content with the work I do, the kind of life I live, the lives of the people I touch, help and guide, then that, to me is success. I'm the type of person who takes pride in my work, I enjoy the feeling of doing a good job, and that makes me happy. And as long as I'm happy, I feel that I'm successful. Would I love to own a home? Would I love a Fendi bag? Would I love to be a size 3? Of course! But, I'm happy and content as I am, knowing that I can work toward any of those things- I believe that I could have anything I wanted if I tried hard enough. But I also like my life in the here and now, and I'm not willing to sacrifice my happiness for what society might deem 'success.' I have ambition and dreams, but I'm also practical, and I feel that being happy and planning to achieve my 'someday' goals makes me already successful.

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