Full Moon Ritual and Party @ Caliqs  

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Last night was our full moon ritual. We did a wish working, both for ourselves, and for the coven. We also did a protection working for my former covenmate Windkisssed. She's having some "negative energy from another person" problems. We raised a lot of energy for her- hope she felt it. Next month is our self-love ritual, and we'll be doing a working for a family member of a sister. Fun.

Then, some of us went to Caliqs for the Sister Witch Society party. We ended up getting there kinda late- like at 11. But we stayed until 145am, and were among the last to leave. There were so many people there- new faces! So fun! I'm just kinda bummed cause everyone was crafting and I didn't get a chance to talk to EVERYONE. But I made a new friend, and caught up with an old one, and got one whole row of knitting done. We also went outside and had a nice casual circle. We went around the circle, saying what made us a goddess, passed a candle, and then, the reciever of the candle said, "You are a goddess." We also did a prosperity spell for another girl there. Everyone had fun. A couple people hugged me and thanked me for presiding over the circle. That was really nice!

Its tough to write a different type of circle when you are used to writing a big ol' Wiccan circle. But I had a lot of fun!

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1 comments: to “ Full Moon Ritual and Party @ Caliqs

  • Anonymous
    8:52 PM  

    Yes Saturday was the funstuff!!!
    I loved your circle though I think we need to do that again!
    xo, Rayne


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