Monday, November 14, 2005

I was trolling my myspace groups today and someone was looking for a forgiveness prayer... so I whipped something up to inspire them. This is it:

Great Goddess,
I have done things in the past that I am so sorry for,
Things that were almost out of my control,
yet I feel as though I might have changed their outcome.
Past events cross my mind often enough so that its interfering in my growth.

Great Goddess,
Help me forgive myself for these past events, so that I might be able to grow as your daughter.
Aid me in overcoming these obstacles from my path, as they block my path from becoming the spiritual being I long to be.
Assist me as I grow and learn, knowing that I am sorry for my mistakes, but accepting them, growing from them and learning from them.
Support me as I move on in my life, spiritually released from the bonds that have held me for so long, as I am refreshed and ready to begin again.

Remind me that I am yours, loved by you and living in the world that you created, my life a constant learning experience, my mistakes- opportunities to grow from. Bless me with your wisdom, knowledge and love eternal. Blessed be.

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