Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Is everyone going insane?
There is a post now, at twopeas about taking CHRIST out of Christmas. They are bitching about Lowes calling their trees HOLIDAY trees instead of CHRISTMAS trees. No matter how many times I reference the history of Yule, they are still not understanding it. HISTORY.
~Pagans (before the time of Christ) used lights outside and inside their home to call back the Sun (god).
~Pagans used to decorate trees with light and ornaments to celebrate the solstice
~Christ was born in the Spring. Pope Julius I moved the date to December in order to share the holiday with the Pagans (and hopefully convert them)
~Xmas shouldn't be offensive. Monks in the 16th century used the letter X, to represent Christ, as its a combination of the greek letters for his name
This doesn't make Christmas invalid, by any means. I'm simply stating this so that people understand that before they get all up in arms about it, to do a little RESEARCH about it.
Whats really sad is that it seems as though many Christians on that board are so closed minded, that they won't even accept the history as fact. To them, fact is what their leader tells them on Sunday mornings. They think that the WORLD should be Christian. That instead of being INCLUSIVE for all religions, we should be exclusive toward Christianity. That Christmas is the only REAL winter holiday, and everyone who doesn't celebrate it is pushing this country toward communism. I feel so sorry for them. And their children. I only can pray that their children will learn tolerance at school, since they obviously won't learn it at home.
12:28 PM
It makes no sense for someone to be so closed minded that they can't even accept history. I mean it makes no sense at all! When they feel threatened they just go back to "cuz the bible says so" Half of those "christians" probably don't even go to church on Christmas...