It's been awhile...  

Monday, January 09, 2006

It's been awhile since I blogged. Nothing big has happened, really. Saturday night I hung out with Melissa (Bens sister) and she brought 3 kids and Bens mom with. It was pretty cool, I got 2 pages SBed. Sunday we took all the holiday decor down, and got rid of the tree. Today I went to an all day training, but they let us out early, so I just went home and took care of my work there. :) I have to make a presentation tomorrow to my sales office in a meeting. Fun.

Sorry about my depressing last couple posts. I've been having some problems sleeping since I went on Weight Watchers. I don't know exactly what it is, but I've been having some issues. Last Wednesday I didn't sleep at all, and its been a battle. I'm learning that wine helps. Particularly if you down three glasses one after another.

Did I mention I'm not counting alcohol in my points. And I'm okay with that. I'm hoping to get all hot and skinny with weight watchers. That would be CRAZY. Then I'd grow my hair out nice and long like it used to be. And wear a short skirt, unless my cellulite doesn't go away. I'm thinking it will, though because of my fiber intake. :)

I'm posting a picture of me- it was taken last year (or the year before), but it makes my boobs look kinda biggish. :) I like it- and I rarely say that about a picture of myself.

I think Ima add it to my myspace, too. May as well. :) Only 4 days until the weekend! And its a full moon on Saturday as well!

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