Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Well, Saturday night was interesting... to say the least. I wasn't feeling like going out, and was broke, so I invited a couple of friends over to play games or knit or something. We hung out... Ben and I got in a little snit, so he was grumpy. We ended up going to Wal*Mart and I found the most fun CD ever! It had 90s hip hop... like Bust A Move, Baby Got Back, Wild Thing. We drove West and East Roads, then headed back.

We started drinking a little bit. And then a little bit more.... and then my friends wanted more to drink, so they were gonna walk to the 7-11. Its kinda far on a street with no lights- so I said I'd drive. This was like at 1AM.

On the way, I called Eric. I waited outside the 7-11 with the random spanish guitar player guy. I was talking to him about my friends and mentioned that one was the maiden in my coven. Some spun out dude heard that and started freaking out about WITCHCRAFT. He tried to harass me, but I turned around and gave him my back. I wasn't interested.

As my friends got out of the 7-11, I told them to hurry to the car. The Methguy got in my friends face. She stopped and was like... "what?! What you gonna do?!" Methguys friend called us fat whores and pulled Methguy away. I kept saying "get in the car." Finally, we piled into the car and calmed Rayne down.

I've decided that I'm going to get pepperspray.

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1 comments: to “

  • Anonymous
    11:30 PM  

    Well I shoulda just hit him haha. That was most def an interesting evening lol. I love driving around listening to 90's hop hop....
    Ice Ice Baby...
    xo, Rayne


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